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Raising money for local charities


Founded in 1998 from a donation bottle in the local Bluebell pub in Maxey, the Charity Club has gone on to raise £75,000 for local causes.   Starting as the “Swear bottle” on the bar, the club’s first donation was made to Joe’s School as we had Joe Talbot who lived across the road from the pub who was born with some disabilities and attended a special school in Peterborough.

The donations increased hugely and various ideas were thought of to try and raise more money – this time for the Kidney Foundation.   One of the regulars in the pub was unfortunate enough to develop kidney problems and so the suggestion was made to try and raise money to support him.  Ideas included a monthly quiz night and the weekly sales of 40 squares linked  to the Lotto.  Funds increased massively and the donation of £1,000 was made in 1998. 

Donations ranging from £5,000 to £500 made to local causes, the Charity Club has supported many deserving charities ranging from Macmillan Nurses, to the East Anglia Air Ambulance, Alzheimers Society and many more.

This amazing amount of money has been raised by the club by organising various social and fund-raising events in the village like charity auctions, clay pigeon shoots, family days and, of course, the now well-established Maxey Car Show.

In December 2013 the club erected a Maxey Village Christmas Tree on the village green to raise money, which was the first time the village has ever had its own tree.  Local companies have been generous with their sponsorship and this year will see us raise £500 to be donated to Macmillan Nurses in memory of one of our founder members Pat Summers who sadly passed away in August.

If anyone knows of a worthwhile cause that needs some support please do get in touch.  We would love to help.  Our only stipulation is that the donation must be of use within a 10 mile radius of Maxey.

Words of thanks

“ I cannot tell you how thrilled I am!!!! Thank you very much, that is
 wonderful. I will send you some information about the second child
that Maxey Charity Club will be sponsoring. We are working with such
needy children and your sponsorship will change the whole family's life”

- Cecilia Hammond, Co-ordinator, Freinds of Chernobyl

"On behalf of St  George's Community Pool and all its users, thank you all so much for your very generous and much appreciated donation of £1000.  This is a marvellous amount and incredible news for us.   As you know, this will enable us to make an enormous and positive difference to our users experience at the pool.  We plan to buy a new shower trolley


We will keep you updated and, if possible, would like to invite you to the pool in the future so you can also see how your money has been spent and the benefits it has brought.”

 - St George's Community Pool

“I would just like to send you a HUGE ENORMOUS thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You'll never know what a difference your kindness will make to us and I'll never be able to repay you.

The wonderful thing about it all is that it has shown our children the true value of human relationships. They have also started talking about all sorts of ways they can 'give back' next this space! 

So, once again thank you SO much for your kind gesture and help during this time"

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